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Utorrent Yanabi Ul Mawaddah Book Zip [pdf] Full Edition


Quran and Hadith The Quran and Hadith books of Islam are considered by Muslims to be the religious scriptures of Islam, alongside the Torah and Bible in Judaism, the Bhagavad Gita in Hinduism, and most other major world religions. They contain teachings about faith, wisdom, morality and daily living for every aspect of life. Every Muslim must study these books to learn how they should conduct themselves. There are many different topics in these books that can be studied according to one's level or interest. Some topics include: Quranic verses with their translations; hadiths; fiqh (jurisprudence); akhlaq (ethical guidelines); kalam (logic/philosophy) etc... One of the most popular books among Muslim youth is the Al-Muhadabah (Arabic: علم المهاجاة) by Qadi Ayyad. It is a book that contains lessons on morals, manners, love and prayer. It was first published in 1949 and it has been translated into many languages. Other books include Al-Adab al Mufradah by Hafiz Ibn Hajr al Andalusi and a book titled "".Also there are some famous Islamic books which give idea on how to strengthen spiritual level of Muslims on everyday basis: Bismillah A'lamme Raheem. The Prophet Muhammad frequently gave advice to his followers based on the Islamic view of life. Some of this advice was collected after his death into one book, which became known as "The Way of Eloquence" or "The Maxims of the Prophet". The Prophet's advice has been summarized by his cousin and renowned companion Ibn Abbas (not to be confused with the famous translator of the Qur'an, Ibn Kathir) in three sections, which later became known as "the Three Pillars of Wisdom". There are many different opinions about what is prohibited (haram) and permitted (halal) in Islam. There are also varying opinions about what exactly constitutes meat. The general rule in Islam is that any animal slaughtered must be a herbivore (plant eater) and die of natural causes. While eating meat is allowed, there are some restrictions on types of meat that can be eaten. The most common practice in the United States is Halal butchering. This involves an animal dying of natural causes such as sickness or old age, and then being slaughtered by a Muslim who recites verses from the Qur'an while doing so. The animal's throat must also be slit with one cut while it faces towards Mecca at the time of slaughter. However, Halal meat in the US is not certified in any way. All slaughter in general is required to be done with a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the throat that cuts the jugular vein without severing or puncturing major blood vessels. This results in rapid loss of consciousness and blood flow with minimal pain to the animal. This condition must be met no matter what kind of animal is being slaughtered, according to Islamic law. It is considered "halal" or permitted for Muslims to consume most parts of an animal except for internal organs, blood, and pork. There are restrictions on how an animal can be killed in order to make its meat halal. cfa1e77820

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